Stynex tablets, Ayurvedic Fertility tablets, Relieves Male infertility and erectile dysfunction, Contains Ashwagandha Churna (30 tab) Each Pack of 2

₹792 ₹772 2.53% Off

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  • ₹772
  • Sku: Stynex Tablets (30 Tab) Pack of 2
  • Categories: Ayurvedic Tablets
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  • Sadha Makardhwaj, Ashwagandha Churna
  • Akarkara Churna, Kawachbeej Churna
  • Shuddha Shilajit, Safed Musali Churna
  • Chopchini Churna, Shalmali Churna
  • Jayphal Churna, Trikatu Churna
  • Bala Churna , Gokshur Churna
  • Vruddhadaru Churna, Shatavari Churna
  • Talimkhana Churna, Khaskhas
  • Vang Bhasma, Nagkeshar Churna
  • Shuddha Kuchala , Abhrak Bhasma


  • Male Infertility
  • Loss Of Libido
  • Errectile Dysfunction
  • Night Emissions
  • Debility

How to Use 

  • 1-2 Tab. Or As Directed By Physician

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